Sand & Aggregates

Sand & Aggregates

We proudly use sand and aggregates from MijnMaatschappij Curaçao. Also known as The Curaçao Mining Company, its main activities consist of quarrying, crushing, sieving, producing, and selling many different limestone aggregates and sand. In their laboratory, their skilled employees monitor production to guarantee the hardness, grain size, and purity of their products.


Contact us to have your order of Sand or Aggregates delivered to your requested location.
Options: 2M3 (Dyna) or 8M3

Aggregate Nr 2

 Mostly used for gardening and decorating. Size: 12.5 – 25mm

Aggregate Nr 3

Mostly used for gardening and decorating: Size: 9.5 – 19mm

Aggregate Nr 4

Mostly used for concrete/blocks. Size: 4.75 – 9.5mm

Aggregate Nr 5

Mostly used for concrete and paving. Size: 3 – 5mm

Sand – Normal

Also known as Barmac sand

Sand Pleisterzand

Also known as Preseived sand